Fayette GOP squabble goes public in pending vote


The Fayette County Board of Commissioners will reconsider at its Feb. 11 regular meeting authorizing the requisite filing to make official the appointment of Aaron Wright to the Board of Elections.

The matter was tabled at the last meeting when Chairman Charles Oddo said he was not satisfied with the documentation provided by the Fayette County Republican Party regarding the appointment. Subsequent discussion among the board suggested that there was no shortage of controversy and disagreement within the local party regarding the appointment.

Oddo noted at the Jan. 28 meeting that a letter on the party’s letterhead announced Wright’s selection, but another letter had been received from certain party members asking that Wright not be approved.

Wright himself addressed the board at that meeting and referred to himself as the “clear” nominee, adding that no county committee meeting was scheduled before the Feb. 11 commission meeting.

The Board of Commissioners has no input or control over the appointees of the local Republican and Democratic parties, but the law requires that the governing authority, via the county clerk, files a certificate of appointment in Superior Court indicating that the appointments of the political parties are done in accordance with the law.

Wright’s appointment would be for a term ending Jan. 31, 2020. He would be succeeding Marilyn Watts, the current GOP appointee. Darryl Hicks is the local Democratic Party’s nominee and his reappointment was made official by the commissioners at the Jan. 28 meeting. Addison Lester is the current Board of Commissioners’ appointee to the Board of Elections.

The letter sent to the commissioners just before the meeting was signed by Peter Pfeifer, who identified himself as a current precinct chairman, former county GOP chairman, former Third District GOP chairman and two-term county commissioner.

Pfeifer’s letter noted that four other precinct chairs gave permission to place their names on it: Joyce Britt, Mike Coley, Bill Pool and Mary K. Rudd (who is also president of Greater Fayette Republican Women).

The letter specifically asked the commissioners not to certify Wright’s appointment until the entire county committee can meet on the issue, which according to the letter did not happen. It did not level any specific complaint against Wright and did not suggest any specific person to be appointed in his place.

“Under the rules of the FCGOP and the enabling legislation, the entire county committee of the Fayette County Republican Party has to approve the selection of our member to the Board of Elections. There has been no meeting of the County Committee to approve this appointment,” Pfeifer’s letter stated.

“An electronic ‘survey’ was sent to SOME but not all the County Committee members AFTER the letter was sent to the county commissioners Jan. 20,” Pfeifer wrote.

“Several members asked for a meeting of the entire county committee after learning of this so-called appointment, but were told by the chairman, Tyrone Jones, that the appointment has already been made and approved by the executive committee (which is comprised of about 7-8 people). The proper procedure was not followed. They did not follow their own rules or the procedure prescribed by the enabling legislation,” the letter continued.

The precinct chairs charged that the “current appointee” would serve until the successor has been properly appointed and sworn in, meaning that the status quo would remain if the commissioners take no action.

“An appeal, as provided for under the rules of the Georgia Republican Party, is underway. We respectfully ask that the Board of Commissioners not act on this matter until this has been resolved,” the letter concluded.

Other business on the agenda of this week’s Board of Commissioners meeting includes consideration of a staff recommendation for approval of a proposed security camera policy that has been drafted to provide guidelines for appropriate uses and installation, including the retention and release of recorded images.

The board will also consider a staff request to work with Stifel-Merchant Capital Division Underwriters to pursue refunding a portion of the Series 2009 Water System Bonds for potential debt service savings.

One public hearing is scheduled for the proposed adoption of a resolution on fire service impact fees.

The consent agenda includes the setting of the annual budget calendar for the 2017 fiscal which begins July 1.

The board is scheduled to recognize Pete Nelms upon his retirement after a 26-year career with the county.