Harbin involved in library


With the guidance of Sen. Marty Harbin (R-Tyrone), along with successful fundraising and contracting with inmate labor teams, construction of the new Milner Public Library in Lamar County is underway, according to state officials.

“I am proud that construction of the Milner Public Library is progressing at a solid rate without the need of overspending our taxpayers’ hard earned dollars,” said Sen. Harbin. “My hope is that this library will not only bring an influx of community involvement and education, but will provide an outstanding model for similar projects across the state of Georgia. I would also like to graciously thank Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jack Hill for his help orchestrating the needed funds for the library, and Nancy Thrash, Lamar County Commissioner for District 4.”

The original cost of the library was projected to be approximately $1.5 million, but was reduced by around $500,000 after state and private funds were utilized, and local inmates were contracted for construction. The total projected cost of the library is now under $1 million, meeting the original goal.

“Thanks in large part to Sen. Harbin, construction for the Milner library is well underway,” said Milner City Manager Harold Wilson. “Although wet weather has played a small part in delaying the project, we have begun building the foundation and expect that sunnier skies will bring us back on track with original plans.”

According to the Flint River Regional Library System, site and floor plans for the 6,086 sq. ft. library are being designed by the Architectural Firm of Gardner Spencer Smith Tench & Jarbeau. The library will be located at 159 Main Street in Milner.