Yates legislative report


Here is a legislative update released by the office of state Rep. John Yates:

“We have been in session four days this week having taken Monday in adjournment. We are over halfway through the 40-day session.

“We are voting on the big budget for FY 2017 which covers operations from 7-1-16 through 6-30-17.  I believe that it is a good budget, with $8.9 billion or 38 percent going toward education along with all other important items covered.  Our state constitution requires a balanced budget. I wish the federal government had a similar requirement.

“Today I went before the Rules Committee and explained H.B. 166, a bill that has two items that were related to safety measures for motorcycle riders. I do not ride motorcycles but just wanted to help motorcycle riders get the bill passed.

“H.B. 579 This bill is designed to help farmers as it makes it legal to move certain farm vehicles on the state highways.

“H.B. 902 This bill helps in the cure of certain infectious diseases in assisted living facilities.

“As the chairman of the Defense & Veterans Affairs Committee I am so proud that I am in a position to help so many veterans particularly those who have been wounded or are spending time in an Army, Navy or Veterans Hospital. Having been a veteran and have spent time in an Army Hospital during World War II, I can appreciate their suffering.

“I can be reached in my office at Room 217 State Capitol each day at 404-656-5126 and I can also be reached before 8 p.m. at my home at 770-227-1474. I can also be reached by email at [email protected].”