Cornerstone UMC will present Easter Drive-Thru


Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Newnan will again share its Easter Drive-Thru, “40 Hours that Changed the World,” beginning Thursday March 24, and continuing through Saturday, March 26, from 6 – 9:30 p.m. nightly

“Cornerstone’s Easter Drive-Thru Nativity is all about the death and resurrection of Jesus,” said Paul Griffin, project chairman and Cornerstone UMC member.  “For the past few years, we have shared with the community the real meaning of Christmas with our Drive Thru Nativity. Again this year with the Easter Drive Thru we want to give the community the opportunity to see, hear and experience the story of Jesus death and resurrection.  Just like the Drive Thru Nativity, the Easter Drive Thru will be presented at no charge.”

People will receive a narration CD at the entrance of the drive-thru, and each car will be guided on a ten-scene journey depicting the death and resurrection of Jesus.  

The scenes include Last Supper, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus before Pilate, the road to the crucifixion and the Crucifixion among others.

“This is Cornerstone’s gift to the community, there is no charge,” Griffin said.  “At Cornerstone we want to spread God’s message, and what better way to do that than through telling the amazing story of the death and resurrection of Jesus.”

The Easter Drive-Thru will take place at Cornerstone United Methodist Church, 2956 Ga. Highway 154 in Newnan (Thomas Crossroads, the intersection of Ga. Highways 154 and 34).

For more information, visit