Main Street Newnan has announced that its monthly Market Day season will kick off this weekend. The market will be hosted Saturday, April 2, around the courthouse square in Newnan.
Come out the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. to see what unique specialty items the local artisans, artists, and farmers have to sell. The Market features handmade, homemade and homegrown products, with new vendors and new products each month.
The Market will feature over 50 unique spaces, with a variety of one-of-a-kind gift items. Market Day favorites include: fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams & jellies, salsa, pottery, art, handmade children’s clothes, hand-woven baskets, leather products, freshly baked goods, handmade furniture, handmade birdhouses, wood-art, fiber-art, wreaths and floral design, and much more.
Pickin’ on the Square also occurs simultaneously each month during the Market Day. Here, you can expect to enjoy the vernacular sounds of local musicians playing acoustic music around the Courthouse lawn. Any musician with an acoustic instrument is invited to join. In the past, bluegrass musicians have found this opportunity to be especially appealing.
Free public parking is available along downtown streets and in the numerous off-street lots located on the corner of LaGrange Street and Spring Street, First Avenue and Spring Street, East Broad Street and Perry Street and East Washington Street and Perry Street.
The Market Day is open to the public and there is no admission charge for visitors.
If you are interested in the Market or have questions, contact the Main Street office at 770-253-8283 or visit
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