Promise Place presents scavenger hunt


Promise Place is hosting its first annual “Promise Place Scavenger Hunt” Sunday, May 15. Participating teams will drive around the city of Fayetteville following 10 clues and the top three teams will be awarded prizes.

The scavenger hunt begins at 5 p.m. at Heritage Park in Fayetteville, and will conclude when the last team reaches the final destination. Tickets are $30 per person, and individuals are encouraged to form teams.

All proceeds for this event will go to support Promise Place, in serving those dealing with domestic violence.

For tickets, visit or call Wendi Bozeman at 770-461-3839 X 112.

Promise Place provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and their children. These services include emergency shelter, a 24 hr emergency hotline, legal advocacy, weekly support groups, relocation assistance, financial assistance,crisis counseling, safety planning, a teen dating violence prevention program in all area high schools, follow up services and community education.