Garden Tour is May 14


The Fayette Master Gardeners Association has scheduled its Garden Tour for Saturday, May 14 (rain date is May 15), at the Peachtree City Community Garden and five gardens in Fayette County

255 Innisbrook Way, Fayetteville.

110 Kelly Drive, Peachtree City.

114 Peninsula Drive, Peachtree City.

128 North Cove Drive, Peachtree City.

202 Bridge Point, Peachtree City.

134 Kenmare Row, Tyrone.

The gardens will be open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person ($20 if purchased the day of the tour) and are available at:

Wild Birds Unlimited, Peachtree City.

Art of Landscaping, Fayetteville.

Town Square Jewelers, Fayetteville.

Mill Pond Gardens, Brooks.

Sandy Creek High School PTSO, Tyrone.

Fayette Master Gardener Association members.

You may also order your tickets by sending an email to [email protected].

In 2016, FMGA is financing the following projects in Fayette County:

Plant a Row for the Hungry.

Free education lectures for the Public.

The Veterans Memorial in Fayetteville.

Junior Master Gardener Program.

Education Garden.

Financial Help for 4-H Camps.

4-H Forestry Day.

Rising Star MS Butterfly Garden.

Sandy Creek HS Teachers Garden project.

Sandy Creek HS Student Garden project.