Cleanup event is May 21


Keep Newnan Beautiful will be hosting its local “Great American Cleanup” event in conjunction with Keep America Beautiful Saturday May 21, 8 a.m.-noon. It will begin at City Hall.

Volunteers will break up into five groups to tackle the local “blocks” that have been selected for this event. After picking up at the designated locations, the volunteer teams will be encouraged to return to City Hall to return cleanup supplies and participate in the volunteer raffle.


The Great American Cleanup is the country’s largest community improvement program that takes place in 20,000 communities, engaging 4 million volunteers and community members annually, to create a positive and lasting impact. The theme of this year’s event is #Cleanyourblock. Keep Newnan Beautiful volunteers will be tackling the roadside litter at five different locations in town and will also assist the Downtown Main Street members in cleaning up the alleys for Historic Preservation Month.

The goal of this year’s event is to inspire and empower citizens and neighborhoods to get involved to make a difference and help keep our community a clean and wonderful place to live, work, and play.

To volunteer for this year’s event, visit, contact the office at 770-253-8283 ext. 1 or [email protected], and follow the Facebook page.