Award nominations deadline is June 1


Do you know someone who has done outstanding work using, preserving, or making historical records more accessible? Think about the historical or genealogical society, library, museum, county or municipal government, researcher, local historian, educator or student. The Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council (GHRAC) wants to encourage and reward their efforts.  

In 2003 GHRAC established the Archives Awards Program to recognize outstanding efforts in archives and records work in Georgia.  By publicly recognizing excellent achievement, the Board strives to inspire others.  Hundreds of organizations and individuals play a significant role in the preservation of our state’s documentary heritage.  

GHRAC has twelve different award categories for individuals and organizations. Nominations may be submitted through June 1. Award recipients are honored by the GHRAC members at a ceremony during Archives Month in October.

To nominate, visit Georgia Archives and click on Nomination Form where you can complete the nomination form and view previous award recipients. All nominations must be postmarked on or before June 1.

All of the following are eligible for an award. (You may nominate yourself or your own organization.)  

  • local governments, courts, school systems, state agencies, and institutions

  • historical records repositories, historical societies, libraries, and museums

  • educators, students, and researchers

  • legislators and government officials

  • individuals and organizations who support archives and records management

  • specialized subject societies in related fields such as oral history, genealogy, folklore, archaeology, business history, etc.

Appointed by the Governor, the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council works to ensure that Georgians of all ages are made aware of the significant historical records located statewide, enhances the preservation and care of these treasures, and improves the access that Georgians have to their records.