Reader implores F’ville to deny hospital-area apartments


I am imploring the Fayetteville City Council to turn down Brad Bradford’s request for a 254-unit apartment project near the Fayette Hospital. Please consider the ramifications of such a development.

This could easily dump 400 to 500 cars onto the roads in and around the hospital twice a day, mostly during rush hours. A massive influx of students in the nearby elementary school and middle school will cause the school system to redraw boundaries yet again, a move that makes no one happy. You say the project is supposed to be upscale, but if they have too many vacancies over time, where do they go?

Fayetteville already has a large development project planned for the area around Pinewood Studio that includes many residential units. This will cause significant impact on the area’s way of life. Then we add the massive Bradford project.

What are we thinking? You believe the film industry needs all of this residential capacity? What if the Georgia General Assembly gets its way on the religious freedom issue next year? Then the major film companies pull of of the state. Where will Pinewood be? What will happen to the huge nearby village development? Will it become the local eyesore as builders pull out of a partially completed project?

Fayetteville needs to look at the whole county. Why do we have to allow massive high density development to impact the way of life for all local residents? Are you trying to out-Riverdale Riverdale?

If you like massive high density development as your lifestyle, may I suggest you move to either Clayton County or Cobb County. Then you can have all the traffic jams, polluted air, crowded schools, trashy streets and parks that your hearts desire.

Again, I urge the Fayetteville City Council to reject this Bradford project, not only for the good of nearby Fayetteville communities but for the good of the entire county.

Jere Key
Fayetteville, Ga.