Holiday ceremony set


Fayette County Post 105 of The American Legion will host its traditional Memorial Day ceremony Monday, May 30, at the Fayetteville City Cemetery.

The annual service of remembrance will be held amongst the American flag decorated graves of military veterans buried there.

Patriotic speakers include Georgia state Sen. Marty Harbin, Fayetteville Mayor Edward Johnson, and retired Brigadier Gen. Peter Madsen.

The service begins at 11 a.m. and concludes shortly after noon. The Falcon Field Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol will present the colors and members of the Fayette County High School Tiger Band will provide the music.

The cemetery is located adjacent to the Fayette County Board of Education Building on Hwy. 54 West. All Fayette County citizens are encouraged to attend. Bring lawn chairs and blankets.

In the event of bad weather, the ceremony will be held at the Log Cabin, 180 S. Glynn St. in Fayetteville.