Yates keeping busy


Here is a press release from state Rep. John Yates detailing some of his recent activities.

“I recently attended the Military Veterans Hall of Fame Ribbon Cutting at the Sloppy Floyd Building near the State Capitol.  This was a means of giving recognition of worthy veterans who have earned recognition for their military record.

“Kenneth R. Fields was recommended by me as a candidate for the Georgia Military Scholarship to the University of North Georgia.  He has been awarded the scholarship and has since enlisted into the Georgia Army National Guard.  I presented the scholarship to him May 18 at the Griffin City Auditorium during the Senior’s Recognition Program.

“Today [May 26] we had a special recognition of Memorial Day on the Oglethorpe steps in the North Wing of the Capitol. It was a special ceremony by Gov. Nathan Deal with several high military officers in participation. I was given the honor of leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of our country. Several family members of the military were in attendance. I always look forward to this ceremony honoring our fallen soldiers.

“I can be reached in my office at Room 217 State Capitol each day at 404-656-5126 and I can also be reached before 8 p.m. at my home at 770-227-1474. I can also be reached by email  at [email protected].”