The agenda for the Peachtree City Council is expected to be rather light on June 2, though the meeting should bring an update on a list of infrastructure projects that could be placed on a potential countywide SPLOST (special purpose local option sales tax) list.
An appointed group of citizens helped develop the list of infrastructure needs facing the city and presented those items for council consideration on May 19.
While the list could see changes on June 2, the initial list would accommodate SPLOST revenues of approximately $42 million.
An initial breakdown of the current project categories showed:
• Multi-use path projects at $8.6 million
• Multi-use path maintenance at $3.3 million
• Multi-use tunnel and bridge maintenance at $770,000
• Road resurfacing/maintenance at $19.8 million
• Intersection improvements at $3.6 million
• Capital purchases at $2.1 million
• Category 1 dam/spillway replacement at $2.2 million
• Recreation amenities at $1.4 million
City Manager Jon Rorie on May 19 noted that a five-year SPLOST would be expected to generate approximately $37 million while a six-year SPLOST would generate approximately $42 million.
Rorie said he and the county’s other city managers would meet with county staff to development an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) required for the SPLOST. The final decision to put a SPLOST on the ballot rests with the Fayette County Commission in late June.
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