Does Trump take you for a chump?


In response to the recent “Trump and the raccoon exterminator” letter, an alternate opinion.

Upon coming home to find the disaster being wreaked by the colony of illegal alien raccoons in your attic, most of us can agree that the Neanderthal social skills, poor language, rotting teeth, and, yes, even his backside crack presented by the man come to deport those raccoons from your home would not matter — if you assume that poor speech and slovenly habits mean nothing and are willing to ignore obvious ineptitude when he enters your foyer as long as he promises to stop the invasion and kick out those rascals.

Sure, you just want those raccoons gone, but are you not concerned when this scoundrel slaps your wife on her backside and pats you on the head and reminds you how inept you are as a man who can’t take care of his own house?

Or, in your panic to rid the vermin from your home, are you at all concerned that this train wreck of a human being will use tear gas and dynamite to rid the vermin, blowing the roof off of your house in the process? Hey, raccoons gone and I’m sure he knows a good roof guy (who of course only uses non-raccoon labor).

I get the frustration with the over-the-top political correctness and total disrespect for conservative social viewpoints exhibited by the current administration. But before you hail King Trump as the cure to all of this, you must come to terms with the facts about this man.

Forget if you wish his egotistical rants about how everyone but him and his friends are stupid (that includes you and me). Forget that he debates like a middle-schooler hurling insults for a laugh. Forget that this man who is over 70 years old still cares what someone says about the size of his hands. Forget that he has shown time and again over the past year that he will say on any given day whatever he thinks the current crowd wants to hear and then call people liars when he flips the next day.

Of course he says what you want to hear, he’s a world class salesman. Forget that he is telling you that you are a victim, the very same tactic used by the left for years to get minority votes and that until recently you as a conservative called weak and manipulative.

But, do not forget that this man is a social liberal, proven by his words and deeds over his life as a New York elite. If you think he is going to support bathroom laws or religious freedom laws, Trump ain’t your guy (he’s buddies with Lady Gaga).

If you are pro life, Trump ain’t your guy (Planned Parenthood is A-OK with Donald).

If you want smaller government, Trump ain’t your guy (he is on the record that he’ll do nothing to change Social Security).

If you are a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or a Buddhist, Trump ain’t your guy; he prays at the altar of the sale.

If you want to get rid of Obamacare, get ready for Medi-Trump.

The reason he wants to build a wall is so his son and friends can get even richer building it and so he can put his name on it.

Trump is not a conservative, he is the RINO in the room. If he can squeeze foreign governments to bring jobs back to the U.S., they will be low wage jobs and the resulting increase in the cost of all goods will negatively impact all of us.

No matter how frustrated you are with the status quo in D.C., I urge you to think hard before electing this “populist.”

Trump and Obama (and Clinton) are flip sides of the same coin. Rubio and Cruz both effectively prosecuted this charlatan, but you 40 percenters are just looking to get those raccoons out of your attic and “Make America Great Again.”

Sounds a lot like “Hope and Change” to me but, hey, Donald loves the poorly educated (his words, not mine).

Alan Felts

Peachtree City, Ga.