OSHA violations covered at Safety Council meeting


Kristen Butler of Georgia Tech’s Occupational Safety and Health Cooperative Programs Office was the guest speaker at the June meeting of the Coweta County Safety Council.

In her slide presentation, Butler shared photos and examples of some of the most frequently cited OSHA safety standard violations found in 2015. The number one violation was a lack of fall protection, and most citations were issues for residential construction and roofing work where workers were not wearing fall protection or were working from positions that had open sides and edges.

The second greatest number of violations concerned hazard communication, which refers to the classification and labeling of chemicals. Some employers failed to have a written program regarding the use of such chemicals, and others failed to provide adequate training for employees using the materials.

Other common safety violations included improper scaffolding, lack of respiratory protection, and improper Lockout/Tagout, a method of disabling machinery that can injure or kill someone if not properly controlled.

Also cited were violations regarding the use of powered industrial trucks, the improper use of ladders, unsafe wiring and electrical methods, improper machine guarding, and a failure to meet general electrical requirements.

Butler also discussed the OSHA consultation program offered through Georgia Tech. A free and confidential on-site consultation is available to small companies, those with fewer than 500 employees, who need help in the areas of occupational safety and health. The program offers such services as a walk-through safety and health survey, an evaluation of work practices, noise measurement, air sampling and analysis, evaluation of technical programs, assistance with safety and health management, ergonomic assessments and citation abatement assistance. Although companies who participate are required to correct any problems that are found, they are not fined in any way, and the service is completely confidential.

“We’re an open, free resource to everyone in Georgia,” Butler said.

For more information on the program, visit oshainfo.gatech.edu.

The Coweta County Safety Council, which was formed under the auspices of the Newnan-Coweta Chamber, meets monthly, usually at The Summit in Newnan. For more information, contact CCSC President Ken Pinkerton at [email protected] or call the Newnan-Coweta Chamber at 770-253-2270.