St. Christopher’s annual Greek Fest set for Sept. 17


St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church in Peachtree City will have its annual Greek Fest Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Dixie Wing Commemorative Air Force Hangar at Falcon Field Airport in Peachtree City.

Adult tickets are $60 until Aug. 15 if purchased online. Afterwards, the tickets will be $64.29, which includes the Eventbrite $4.29 processing fee. Tickets may also be purchased directly through the church for $60 with check or cash.

For children 12 and under, the cost is $25 until Aug. 15 if purchased online. Afterwards, the tickets will be $27.37, which includes the Eventbrite $2.37 processing fee. Tickets may also be purchased directly through the church for $20 with check or cash.

Appetizers will be served at 6 p.m.; dinner starts at 7 p.m. The menu includes Greek delicacies, fresh homemade pastries, and beer and wine. In addition there will be a live band, Greek dancing, and much more. Proceeds benefit  the church building fund.

For reserved seating, contact Tammy Soulakos, 404-625-4663. To order tickets online, visit