SkillsUSA chapter wins national honors

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SkillsUSA chapter wins national honors

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Graphic Communications and Automotive Career Pathway students from Sandy Creek High competed in the 2016 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference, proving they are among the best in the nation in their skill areas.

Three students placed in the top 20 in the nation. They are Kristopher Davis, fifth place, Mobile Electronics Installation; Noah Jacobs, 12th place, Customer Service; and Amaya Wright, 19th place, Pin Design.

The conference took place in Louisville in June, and was attended by over 6,000 student competitors and more than 16,000 registered attendees.

The Sandy Creek SkillsUSA Chapter was honored at the conference for being named a Model Chapter of Excellence for the second consecutive year. The honor recognizes the top 24 chapters in the nation. Chapters earning the recognition had to successfully complete an extensive application process, presentation and interview. The national Models of Excellence program promotes the intentional learning of personal, workplace and technical skills outlined in the SkillsUSA framework for student development. Sandy Creek High SkillsUSA members Amalie Rosales and Megan D’Errico accepted the award on behalf of the chapter.

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