Fayetteville First UMC will offer GriefShare starting Aug. 22


Fayetteville First United Methodist Church will offer a new 13-week GriefShare session for those who are seeking to heal from grief and find resources as they recover from loss. Sessions begin Monday, Aug. 22 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

During GriefShare, caring individuals walk with others through the journey of grief.

Each session provides a video seminar with information about the grieving process from trained and experienced individuals.

A group discussion of the weekly video offers insight and support. Personal study and reflection materials are provided for help throughout the week.

Facilitators for the class are Bill and Carol Webb. Visit fayettevillefirst.com or call 770-461-4313 to register. More information on GriefShare including other sessions available in the area may be found at griefshare.org.  FFUMC is located at 175 East Lanier Ave. next to the historic courthouse in downtown Fayetteville.