Courageous Challenge set for Sept. 3


Armed Forces Mission will host the inaugural Courageous Challenge Saturday, Sept. 3, at Booth Middle School as part of AFM’s Fayette Strong Initiative.

Proceeds help underwrite programs that build a culture of health within the veteran and law enforcement community of Fayette County.

Specific to law enforcement:

AFM since its inception has offered free POST credit workshops for all LE personnel in Fayette County. In addition, the Courageous Challenge also underwrites two new programs of AFM.

Chaplain 911 was established in direct response to the events in Dallas three days after July 4. The purpose of Chaplain 911 is threefold:

  • Stand up a Rapid Reaction Force to assist LEP in times of community crisis

  • Provide post care for first-responders

  • Expand chaplain training regionally from our base as Fayette community ambassador’s helping other communities in times of crisis provides confidential chaplain support services for LE personnel in Fayette County

  • Counseling (C3) for those times when stress turns to crisis. C3 provides a ministry of presence in times of loss, a listening ear, a safe place to grieve, and a rock upon which to restore hope and rebuild resilience.

  • Chaplain.Care Life Coaching (CCLC) helps individuals develop healthy self-care plans that build emotional and spiritual resilience and the staying power to overcome difficult life challenges.

  • Chaplain.Care Intervention (CCI) offers immediate response care for veterans and law enforcement personnel struggling with the questions of life and death that may lead to thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

While the Fayette community is historically a stronger community than the national average, veterans and LE personnel are at a higher risk of suicide than the general public.