PTC aims for higher tourist profile

The Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is moving to its new location at The Avenue. A part of the move includes a kiosk outside at The Avenue and a mobile visitors center available for numerous events.
The new offices are located on the second floor at The Avenue, adjacent to the management offices and above Thai Spice and Fab’rik.
Executive Director Jennifer Johnson said the move to the new location is expected in November.
The new CVB center will total approximately 1,700 sq. ft. and includes four offices, a board room and the visitors center.
Another facet of the move will be the presence of a kiosk situated on the sidewalk outside the new office. The kiosk will contain a wealth of information pertaining to marketing the city.
Also in the offing is a golf cart purchased with available funds. Essentially a mobile visitors center, the golf cart can be requested for a variety of events held around the city, such as sporting events, Johnson said.
The new additions to CVB will contain items such as coupons for local businesses and a restaurant guide, said Johnson.
Johnson said the move to The Avenue comes at a cost of $41,000 per year. CVB pays $1,600 per month at its current location at the city’s McIntosh Trail complex.
It might seem that overall costs to operate CVB are increasing, but there is more to the story. Citing an example, Johnson is now handling social media such as Facebook and Instagram herself rather having CVB pay the expenses.
There is another aspect of the move that will benefit CVB in more than one way.
“Many of our residents don’t know where the current site of the visitors center is located,” said Johnson, explaining that she hears that comment continuously.
Locating the new visitors center at The Avenue will guarantee significantly more exposure to citizens and visitors alike, and being located on a state highway will allow CVB to access free promotions and advertising from the state that until now have been unavailable, Johnson said.
Johnson explained that those benefits from the state come with the requirement that the center be located on a state highway.
An upcoming venue for promoting the city from another perspective will come this fall when the association of regional visitors center managers will be in the city for a conference.
Another venue with filming later this month deals with “The World’s Greatest” television show produced by How 2 Media. Johnson said the local filming will be for “The World’s Great Golf Cart Community.”