Book signing is Sept. 22


The number of new Coweta authors continues to grow.

The latest is J.D. Payne of Newnan, who will be at Leaf and Bean on the Courthouse Square in Newnan Thursday, Sept. 22, 5-7 p.m. to do a signing for his first book, “Wake Up In Rage.”

The book is described as “an epic autobiographical prose poem with 155 verses. It is in the controversial Beat tradition of such classics as ‘Howl’ by Allen Ginsberg and ‘On The Road’ by Jack Kerouac; celebrating the vitality, wonder, and strangeness of life on Planet Earth.”

“Wake Up In Rage” will soon be available for purchase from Amazon.

The book will be published by Jeff Bishop. Bishop and Payne are both members of the Coweta Writers Group.