County seeks scarecrows for contest


The Fayette County Public Art Committee has announced its third annual Scarecrow Competition. Participants will construct their scarecrows Oct. 15-16 at the county administrative complex, 140 Stonewall Ave. in Fayetteville.

School groups, scouts, church groups, clubs, families, individuals, and artists can all show their creative flair and build scarecrows in this year’s event. All scarecrows will be on full display in downtown Fayetteville and will be part of the annual Halloween event.  Prizes given to the top entries.

Need the perfect stuffing? The county will provide shredded paper for participants to stuff their small garbage bags for use as stuffing for their scarecrows. This technique is great for withstanding the rain. Participants are asked to bring their own straw, small garbage bags and scarecrow creation supplies.

Each scarecrow must be attached to a five-foot metal pole in the ground which the county government will provide upon entry. Find the guidelines for the scarecrows at

There is no entry fee and participants must officially enter to participate. Come out to join the fun and take your family selfies and fall photos with the scarecrows.

To enter the scarecrow building event, email [email protected] by Wednesday, Oct. 12, with your contact information and how many scarecrows you plan to build. If you have any questions, phone 770-305-5103.