Donate blood during Breast Cancer Awareness Month


The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give blood to support cancer patients and other patients during Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October.

More than 1.6 million new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed in the U.S. this year and 246,600 of them will be invasive breast cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Cancer patients may need blood products during chemotherapy, surgery or treatment for complications.   

The Red Cross must collect about 14,000 blood donations every day to help patients, and volunteer donors are the only source of blood products for those needing transfusions. Donors of all blood types are needed.

To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Donors are encouraged to make appointments and complete the RapidPass online health history questionnaire at to save time when donating.

Upcoming local blood donation opportunities:

Monday, Oct. 17, noon-6 p.m., Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 101 Walt Banks Road, Peachtree City.

Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2-7 p.m., Peachtree City Church of Christ, 201 South Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree City.

Friday, Oct. 21, 2:30-7:30 p.m., Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran, 101 Peachtree Parkway North, Peachtree City.

Friday, Oct. 28, -6 p.m., Cancer Treatment Centers of America, 600 Celebrate Life Parkway, Newnan.