Trump fan must live in another world


One Michael Velsmid of Peachtree City accuses readers of hypersensitivity and hypocritical reactions to sexual predation remarks offered by his preferred presidential candidate.

He asserts that men routinely brag and joke about the molestation of our mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives.

Let me be crystal clear. In a lifetime of frequenting locker rooms, barber shops, and other places men congregate, I have never once heard a man condone forcing a woman sexually or grabbing an unsuspecting woman’s genitalia.

This behavior is a criminal perversion and universally condemned by decent men and women. Velsmid’s indictment of our military and the appeal to our Lord Jesus for justification are particularly insulting.

Contrast this with Mr. Velsmid’s experience of several weeks ago at the supermarket when the cashier and a female shopper criticized his hat. This overwhelming insult compelled a diatribe in a letter to The Citizen.

Apparently, boasting of sexual molestation constitutes innocent fun that all but the most hypersensitive women will ignore. However, a woman criticizing a man’s political hat epitomizes the vilest hatred which must be exposed. It is way past time for a priority check here.

Dave Aycock
Fayetteville, Ga.