Will Fayette BoE resurrect Tyrone Elementary School?

Future E-SPLOST project list
The Fayette County Board of Education in an Oct. 13 meeting discussed potential projects for a third ESPLOST (education special purpose local option sales tax) that could be on the ballot within the next three years.
The preliminary list included 10 possible projects totaling $51 million — including the now-closed Tyrone Elementary School.
The current voter-approved ESPLOST will expire in April 2019. A vote to put on the ballot a new version of the education sales tax could come anytime before that expiration date.
The list included an auditorium for Fayette County High School at $5.5 million along with renovations and modifications at FCHS at $15 million.
Also on the list are renovations, modifications or classroom additions at Oak Grove, Fayetteville, Peeples, Inman and Tyrone elementary schools, Fayetteville Intermediate School (the school system’s innovation center) and Sandy Creek and Whitewater high schools.
Tyrone Elementary, previously closed by the school board, was listed in the event that growth in the west Fayetteville area occurs sufficiently that a potential re-opening of the Tyrone school is needed. There are also significant failing septic tank issues at the mothballed school and no nearby sewer line for potential connection.
School system Facilities Director Mike Satterfield noted that a portion of some of the projects might be applicable for proportionate state funding.
The list was preliminary and will likely be discussed at future meetings. An approval of the school system’s third ESPLOST would be included on a ballot at a later date.
It should be noted that there are other categories, such as technology and buses, that would also be included in the ESPLOST list.