Free lecture Nov. 15


The Fayette Master Gardener Association is hosting a free lecture Tuesday, Nov. 15, 10-11 a.m. at The Bridge Community Center, 225 Willowbend Road in Peachtree City.

William (Bill) Whitherspoon taught K-12 students and their teachers for seventeen years at Fernbank Science Center, part of the DeKalb County School District. He was named the Outstanding Earth Science Teacher in 2007 by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. He retired in 2014 and enjoys leading geology walks, talks, and workshops for the public, of which there have been dozens since the book was published. He received his PhD in Geology from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

Dr. Leslie Edwards holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Georgia and is a retired senior lecturer at the Department of Geosciences at Georgia State University. She is the lead author of “The Natural Communi/es of Georgia,” published by the University of Georgia Press. Dr. Edwards has led workshops and spoken extensively on native plants and natural communities. She is an enthusiastic gardener and passionate about conserving and restoring native landscapes.

Native plants enthusiasts are invited to hear these two author-PhDs “spin” their stories on how the Earth has grown its plant communities in a specific relationship to the geologic composition below in the soil. Come see the ancient tectonic plates whirl and collide; get a look at groupings of plants and trees that live as families upon the Earth’s crust.