Fayetteville police urge trick or treat safety practices

Halloween is a time for fun. It is also a time to be safe. In that regard, the Fayetteville Police Department has suggestions on how to keep Halloween for the kids.
• Don’t let children go “Trick or Treating” alone. Be sure older children use the Buddy System. An adult should accompany young children.
• Accompany young children to the door of every house they approach. Stay within sight of the door.
• Parents should be familiar with every house and with all people from which the children receive treats.
• Children should be cautioned never to approach any vehicle, occupied or not, unless they know the owner and are accompanied by a parent.
• Children should be cautioned never to enter any home without prior permission from their parents.
• Make sure that all children carry a glow stick or flashlight and wear reflective clothing.
• When using face-masks, make sure the child can see and breathe properly and easily.
• All costumes and masks should be clearly marked as flame resistant.
• Children should be warned to never approach any house that isn’t well lit.
• Parents should inspect all treats and dispose of anything that has been opened or has never been wrapped and police should be notified if something has been tampered with.
• Children should be cautioned to remember any suspicious incidents and report them to their parents or the police.
• Children should be instructed to scream and make a scene if anyone tried to grab them or force them into a home or vehicle or make them go with them.
• Children should be cautioned to run away immediately from people who try to lure them with special treats or who are wearing costumes.
• Use light colors and reflective materials. 
• Try using make-up on the child’s face instead of a mask, as a mask can obstruct a child’s view.
• Feed children a meal before trick-or-treating.
• Check all treats at home in a well-lit place. Inspect fruit and homemade treats very carefully and eat only unopened candy.
• Have fun but be safe.
• And for adults, drive safely on Halloween and be aware of trick or treaters.