Bennett’s Mill receives city proclamation


Fayetteville Mayor Edward Johnson has declared the month of November as Bennett’s Mill Middle School Parent Engagement Month in recognition of the crucial role that parents play in the academic success of their students.

The mayor presented the proclamation to the school during the Nov. 3 Fayetteville City Council meeting. Bennett’s Mill Middle’s Parent Engagement Month coincides with Georgia’s Family Engagement Month, also in November, and with National Parent Involvement Day Nov. 17.

Throughout November, parents at all schools are encouraged to reflect on ways that they can get more involved in the education of their children. Engaged parents and family members give students the support they need to be successful.

“Bennett’s Mill Middle School wants to thank all of the parents and families who have taken on the demanding job of actively participating in their student’s education. The importance of your support is immeasurable. I encourage all of our citizens to recognize parents for the significant impact they have made, and continue to make in our schools and our community,” Mayor Johnson stated during the reading of the proclamation.

In the above photo, from left: Chris Key, media specialist; Aimee Gumerson, assistant principal; Cathy Beach, eighth-grade social studies teacher; Queen Gordy, grandparent; Passionae Bedford, seventh-grade student; and Rica Smith, assistant principal, along with Mayor Edward Johnson and members of the Fayetteville City Council.