Little holiday mood helpers

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Little holiday mood helpers

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Have you already lost that holiday cheer this year? Was hosting Thanksgiving just too much work? Are you beat down to the point that you’re just thankful all the family has gone so you can clean up the mess left behind? Tired of all the commercialization surrounding this time of the year?

Is the thought of strapping yet another tree to the car roof this weekend, adding additional scratches to the ones there from years past, got you down? Pine needles being tracked all over the house, and the constant cleanup seems unbearable? Already in a bad mood from spending hours digging out a gazillion ornaments in the attic, buying new lights because only one bulb has burned out on each of the five strands that are supposed to have a lifetime guarantee, or risking life and limb hanging outside lights on the gutters?

Well, do I have a little solution to get you right back into that holiday spirit! Or should I say two? My two holiday mood helpers, Little One and Sweet Caroline, can help reignite that missing holiday cheer. Their wondrous joy of the coming Christmas season is infectious.

I miss the holidays of old. My childhood memories are full of the fun, sights, sounds, and smells of days gone by. Growing up back on Flamingo Street, it was truly a simpler place and time.

Illustrations of what is gone from those days, and how things have changed, are no greater than a walk through most any big box store this time of year. You will be overwhelmed. Not just the traditional stuff is on display: lights, bulbs, decoration and trees. The merchandising of Christmas has gotten way out of hand. At least for this writer it has. But with their smiles and giggles, yesterday my two little holiday mood helpers changed my attitude and gave me a renewed happy perspective on the holiday season.

Imagine my surprise when a quick trip to the giant hardware store with the blue roof for a gallon of paint stretched into a three-hour tour of some of the most bizarre Christmas decorations ever assembled. With Little One and Sweet Caroline in tow, we entered the store and were instantly transported into a winter wonderland I’d never imagined as a kid. My two little mood helpers were simply delighted.

Racks of holiday goods reached almost to the ceiling. Almost, because on the top rack stood the yard blow-up displays. A giant eight-foot Santa swayed side to side welcomed all to the store with a family of caroling penguins at his side. A huge Christmas tree with a Santa Minion hidden inside popped up and down to the cheers of, “Again, again, again!” from my happy mood makers. Another Santa was riding a tractor.

A giant, sweater-clad dachshund sat next to Snoopy sleeping on his doghouse, no doubt dreaming of the Red Baron, while a car full of Minions merrily delivered boxed presents to imaginary children.

I was unable to move watching the dizzy blowup displays that seemed to stretch forever. My happy mood makers tugging at my arms finally pulled me away. Something else truly amazing had caught their attention.

Just around the corner from the giant blowups were dozen of outdoor laser light shows. Climbing ladders with tangled strings of multi-colored bulbs in tow are now a thing of the past. Just plug in this one device, set it down in the front yard and instantly a flurry of giant snowflakes will appear. Another showed a dizzying display of white, red, blue and green lights magically dancing all over trees and house.

What Mickey Mouse and fireworks have anything to do with Christmas I really don’t know, but we stood mystified in front of the exploding display, complete with sound effects, for half an hour. My happy mood makers finally pulled me away once again. They had spotted something else. Tree ornaments. Really, really big tree ornaments.

The store has “unbreakable” outdoor tree ornaments the size of basketballs in every color. I say almost because Sweet Caroline dropped one, and it broke. Next to the “unbreakable” giant ornaments were action yard displays. Life-sized illuminated deer, dogs, penguins, Santas, and a couple of undetermined things I still don’t know what they were all moved, waved, and danced with infectious Christmas cheer.

With a yard full of blowups, a house lit by laser light displays, giant ornaments hanging from every tree limb, and a couple of life-size, active yard displays, your house could be the talk of the entire neighborhood. With all that stuff, folks certainly will be talking about you. However, all the kids seeing the display will be delighted.

We finally made our way out of the bizarro winter wonderland and back to our car with my gallon of paint. Our granddaughters, ages 2 and 3, were left with a strange impression of the coming Christmas season.

Can’t wait to sit down with them and set the record straight with some help with a couple of old friends. Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be listening to Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, and Perry Como singing all the classics. At night watching, “It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas,” “Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer,” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

[Rick Ryckeley has been writing stories since 2001. To read more of Rick’s stories, visit his blog:]

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