Special-needs playground dedicated


A special needs playground seven years in the making has finally become a reality for pre-kindergarten students at Oak Grove Elementary.

It all started back in 2009 when a group of parents and teachers formed a committee to initiate a fundraising campaign to build a playground suitable for special needs pre-kindergarten students at the school. Teacher Kimberly Madison secured the first donation, and then the PTO stepped up to help with the fundraising efforts.

Two lead parents on the project, Julie Anderson and Katie West, both who have since moved to Minnesota, researched the equipment needed by seeking input from various specialists who work with special needs pre-kindergarten children. They found that the equipment is very costly, and it soon became apparent that after seven years of struggling to raise funds, the cost of the equipment was still going to be out of reach for the school.

“That’s when the Fayette County Board of Education stepped up to fill the remaining balance. The entire Oak Grove family cannot thank the board enough for helping us make the playground a reality,” said Bonnie Hancock, principal of Oak Grove Elementary.

The secured playground features a slide, swing set, Merry Go Round, and a small climbing dome that children can climb on or hide under, an important feature for autistic children who sometimes feel the need to seclude themselves. Instead of mulch, the ground is covered with a smooth rubber surface making the playground accessible to students in wheelchairs and walkers.

Oak Grove recently held a dedication ceremony in conjunction with the school’s 30th anniversary. Four pre-kindergarten classes are currently using the playground.

On hand for the ribbon cutting were (from left) Tracy  Waits, pre-kindergarten teacher; Kimberly Madison, first grade teacher; Chris Riecke, assistant principal; Christian Schwann, parent; Stacy Taylor, parent; Mike Satterfield, director of facilities; Marion Key, school board chairman; Leonard Presberg, school board member; Jennifer Cleland, parent; Bonnie Hancock, principal; Mike Sanders, assistant superintendent of operations.