Columnists, Opinion

Drake Field

The area on Lake Peachtree we now call Drake Field has a neat history well before that day it was so named. In 1956, several real estate agents in Atlanta,

Fayette County, Schools

Class marks Greek Day

Third-grade students at Peachtree City Elementary celebrated the culmination of their study of Greek architecture and government with a Greek Day event. Students dressed in togas, sampled Greek cuisine, and

Community, Fayette County

FSS to get tech update

Local community organization Clothes Less Traveled recently made a generous donation in support of Fayette Senior Services’ much-needed technology update. FSS, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, accepted a contribution of $8,150

Community, Fayette County

Candidate forums set

Fayette Visioning, in partnership with the Fayette Chamber of Commerce, Fayette County Democratic Party, Fayette County Issues Tea Party, Fayette County Republican Party and NAACP of Fayette County, will hold

Columnists, Opinion

The right to sit

There’s been a bit of controversy about a number of professional athletes who have decided to sit or kneel during the National Anthem instead of standing in respect. Their example

Columnists, Opinion

A bedtime story

The bedtime routine had been well planned by yours truly. Guaranteed not to fail. Round up kids, quick bathroom stop, then kids in bedroom, read story, lights out, and kids

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