Fayetteville vehicle fire turns into arrest


A Sharpsburg man was arrested Jan. 19 on multiple charges after a Fayetteville vehicle fire turned into the man attempting to unsuccessfully to steal three other vehicles while running through yards in a residential neighborhood south of Fayetteville. Todd Reiger, 48, was charged with burglary, peeping Tom, two counts of loitering or prowling, three counts of entering auto, obstruction and criminal attempt, according to Fayette County Jail records.

Sheriff Barry Babb said deputies at 6:30 a.m. were called to Dixon Circle off South Jeff Davis Drive in response to a vehicle fire. Deputies found the vehicle in flames, Babb said.

Babb said other calls from the immediate area began to come in related to a male running around the neighborhood without a shirt, running into yards and on rear decks and attempting to steal cars.

Deputies located Reiger and took him into custody, said Babb. Deputies initially thought the burning truck had been stolen, but were later told by Reiger’s mother that he had permission to drive the vehicle, said Babb. Reiger’s mother does not live in the area, Babb added.

Babb said Reiger entered a garage and attempted unsuccessfully to steal two vehicles then went to another home and attempted to steal a car from the driveway. Reiger also entered the yards of other homes, including entering a rear deck, and looked in the window of another home, Babb said.

Reiger was taken into custody without incident. “We’re not sure why he was in the area,” Babb said, adding that drugs and alcohol were not a factor in the incident.

Babb said Reiger entered the neighborhood and the vehicle he was driving became stuck in mud. Attempts to free the vehicle, including revving the engine, appeared to have results in the engine overheating and the vehicle catching fire.