Religion Briefs 020817


Usher’s anniversary set for Feb. 19
Flipper Chapel A. M. E. Church will celebrate the Usher’s Anniversary on Sunday, Feb. 19, at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Anthony Dixon and the New Grant Chapel A. M. E. Church of East Point will be the guest pastor and church. The theme is “Reflecting God’s Glory.”  The Rev. Kimberly Lyons is host pastor. The church is located 175 Booker Ave., Fayetteville.

Perlieu Stew available  March 4
Bethany United Methodist Church will serve its traditional Perlieu Stew on Saturday, March 4, from noon until 3 p.m., or until all stew is sold. The church is at 607 Rivers Rd. (intersection of Milam, Rivers and Lee’s Lake roads) in north Fayette County.

Providence to present ‘Glory Days’
Reserve your seats for March 17th’s  free candlelit evening of acoustic music, coffee and dessert at Providence United Methodist Church. The praise band will share old and new gospel music, featuring “The Mad Violinist,” Ashanti Floyd. This is a free event that is open to the community, but reservations are required due to limited seating. For reservations contact Leslie Lunsford, [email protected].

St. Christopher’s tea planned for April 1
The Philoptochos (Friends of the Poor) of St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church is sponsoring a Tea on Saturday, April 1, at 1 p.m.  All proceeds support local and national Philoptochos Charities.  Tea will be held at St. Andrews in the Pines Episcopal Church at 316 N. Peachtree Parkway.  Call Georgia for reservations, 404-863-9870.

Holy Trinity offers Stephen Ministry
Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Peachtree City offers Stephen Ministry to provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care to people who are going through a difficult time. Catholics as well as non Catholics are eligible to receive care.   Care is confidential and free. For more information,  contact Teri Sauer at 770 630-7805.