Robotics teams wins at state meet

The HIVE from J.C. Booth Middle won the Innovative Solution Award for their use of neem oil as a replacement for pesticides that are killing honeybees.

FIRST LEGO League (FLL) robotics teams at Flat Rock Middle and J.C. Booth Middle had a very successful season, winning top honors at their Super-Regional competitions and scoring enough points to advance to the state championship.

The teams were among just 64 in Georgia that earned a spot in the state championship that was held at Georgia Gwinnett College on February 4. The season started out with 672 teams in competition.

Turtle Troopers from J.C. Booth Middle won the Robot Programming Award at the Georgia State FIRST LEGO League Championship held at Georgia Gwinnett College.
Turtle Troopers from J.C. Booth Middle won the Robot Programming Award at the Georgia State FIRST LEGO League Championship held at Georgia Gwinnett College.

Although the Mighty Robotic Eagles at Flat Rock Middle did not take home any awards at the state championship, they won the Champions Award at their Super-Regional event, meaning that they were one of the top two teams at the competition. Team members include Olivia Lohr, Vince Phan, Nathan Walding, Jonathan Glass, Javon Sullivan, Triston Torres, Richard Collier, Daniel Antoine, and Russell Phillips. Darryl Hutchinson coaches the team.

Two of the three teams from J.C. Booth Middle took home awards at the state championship. The Turtle Troopers won the Robot Programming Award. Team members are Mikela Zuniga, Jack Hemenway, Nicholas DellaTorre, Rylan Christen, Adeola Batiste, Max Roggermeier, Keelan Garcia, and Marc VanZyl. The coaches are Tony DellaTorre, Dennis Christen, and Gerrie VanZyl.

 The HIVE won the Innovative Solution Award. Part of the robotics challenge is finding a solution to a problem identified by the team. This year’s theme was “Animal Allies,” each team had to identify a problem that occurs when people and animals interact. The HIVE researched using neem oil to replace pesticides, and save the honeybee population. This team also won the Champions Award at their Super-Regional competition. Team members are Dalton Toner, Chase Evans, Michael Johnson, Caleb Claiborne, Madeline Nolen, Andrei Gazinschi, and Jack Flynn. The coaches are Tim Toner and Chad Evans.

 The BLT Warriors were the other team from J.C. Booth Middle that competed at the state championship. Team members are Daniel Scott, Ian Fisher, Julian Gevertz, Colin McKay, Georgie Harris, and Caelyn Grimes. The coaches are Amanda Scott and Stephanie Fisher.

 Jason Bingel, STEM and engineering teacher, oversees the robotics program at J.C. Booth Middle.