The new offices of the Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) will open at The Avenue in a matter of weeks. With that, CVB Executive Director Jennifer Johnson on Feb. 2 updated the City Council on new logo ideas to help the organization market the city.
Johnson told council members CVB is currently examining a marketing concept denoting that Peachtree City is “Your path to perfect.”
Johnson said the new logo approach is important given that it will be used on multiple applications and is intended to assist in successfully branding the city in a time where “we’re competing with communities nationwide,” for convention and tourism dollars.
Noting that the current logo is difficult to work with across various print and digital media, Johnson said the new logo ideas will not include the ubiquitous golf carts found throughout the city. The reason, she said, is that the numerous golf courses in the city are private and that there is much more to Peachtree City in terms of the organizations CVB is attempting to market for conventions and sporting tournaments.
Summing up the issue, City Manager Jon Rorie noted that the purpose of the CVB branding is to encourage visitors through tourism and conventions while the purpose of county branding initiative is to promote economic development and have people move here.
Johnson said those visiting for conventions and sports event customarily want to know the best hotels, the best places to eat and they want to know about The Walking Dead tour.
“They are not renting golf carts,” Johnson said with a smile.
The new CVB offices are located on the second floor at The Avenue, adjacent to the management offices and above Thai Spice and Fab’rik.
The new CVB center will total approximately 1,700 sq. ft. and includes four offices, a board room and the visitor’s center.
Johnson in a previous meeting said the move to The Avenue comes at a cost of $41,000 per year. CVB pays $1,600 per month at its current location at the city’s McIntosh Trail complex.
It might seem that overall costs to operate CVB are increasing, but there is more to the story. Citing an example, Johnson is now handling social media such as Facebook and Instagram herself rather having CVB pay the expenses.
There is another aspect of the move that will benefit CVB in more than one way.
“Many of our residents don’t know where the current site of the visitor’s center is located,” said Johnson, explaining that she hears that comment continuously.
Locating the new visitor’s center at The Avenue will guarantee significantly more exposure to citizens and visitors alike, and being located on a state highway will allow CVB to access free promotions and advertising from the state that until now have been unavailable, Johnson said.
Johnson explained that those benefits from the state come with the requirement that the center be located on a state highway.
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