Fayette approves $78K for Hwy. 74 corridor study

Fayette County Commissioner Charles Oddo/ File photo.

A draft contract between the Ga. Department of Transportation and Fayette County for the Ga. Highway 74 Corridor Study was approved on Feb. 9 by the Fayette County Commission.

Previously tabled on Jan. 12, commissioners at the Feb. 9 meeting unanimously approved a draft contract for the Hwy. 74 Corridor Study that includes stakeholders such as Fayette County, Tyrone, Peachtree City, Fairburn, the South Fulton Community Improvement District (CID) and the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC).

The draft follows a 2015 authorization by commissioners to apply for federal aid through ARC. The draft pertains to a corridor study along Hwy. 74 from U.S. Highway 29 in Fairburn and south along Hwy. 74 to Ga. Highway 54, and a comprehensive path study, with a contract for the path project expected in the near future, according to county staff.

Commissioner Chuck Oddo amended the motion to approve the draft contract by adding that the approval is contingent on the South Fulton CID and/or the city of Fairburn paying their portion, and that if South Fulton CID and/or the city of Fairburn does not approve their portion that Fayette County moves forward with the project as a Fayette County project only.

The goals are to establish a vision for Hwy. 74 that is supported by the stakeholders and sets forth a plan for bringing that vision to reality. Those goals include variables such as traffic volume and congestion, intersection control, land use and development, overlay zones, landscaping standards, multi-use trails, right-of-way maintenance and funding opportunities.

The four tasks of the Hwy. 74 Corridor Study include public engagement, a vision statement, and inventory, assessment and draft recommendation, and a final report.

The item was tabled in January to give Fairburn time to respond to its intentions for its portion of the roadway.

The study carries an estimated cost of $390,000, with Fayette County committing $78,000 (or 20 percent) to the project. Funding is available through the special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) initiative to go before voters in March.

Speaking in support of the project prior to the vote was Peachtree City Mayor Vanessa Fleisch.

Also commenting before the vote was Commissioner Steve Brown who said he had been told that the South Fulton CID will participate.