Biggest problem is liar in White House


This letter is in response to the two letters Mr. Alan Felts wrote recently. His first letter was an attempt at humor, likening the Falcons’ painful loss to the Russian hacking of our recent election. I believe the gravity of the latter incident is not one to slight with humor. I doubt Mr. Felts would have written that column if the effects and results of the election were reversed.

Mr. Felts’ second letter chastising certain women and “left-leaning” news organizations was also concerning to me. We Americans have the right to protest, albeit violence can never be condoned.

I will not defend certain comments made by celebrities, but only suggest one looks at the total number of participants and the lack of violence during those protests throughout the country and the world.

I believe those facts scare Mr. Felts and cause him to cherry-pick the few bad comments. I find the news organizations Mr. Felts rails against — with no substantive proof — fact-filled and honest in their coverage of daily events.

It pains me to say the greatest dishonesty is coming from an egotistical, habitual liar in the White House, who appears to possess the impulse control of a 4-year-old. That alone scares me to death, no matter what views one may have regarding the governance of this great country.

John Landis
Peachtree City, Ga.