William Paul Young’s best selling novel will be subject of two-part discussion at Fayette Presbyterian March 22,29


Start reading now! Fayette Presbyterian Church will have a two-part discussion based on The Shack by William Paul Young, a best-selling yet controversial novel which wrestles with the age-old question, “Where is God in a world filled with unbearable tragedy?”

It is a thought-provoking, heartwarming, soul-searching story of one man’s encounter with the Divine after the abduction of his youngest daughter.

Start reading the book now and plan to join in the engaging conversation on Wednesday evenings, March 22 and 29 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday night dinner is available at 5:30 p.m. both nights, with reservation to 770-461-7147.

The Shack feature film will be in theaters soon, so on Wednesday, April 5, book enthusiasts will meet at Broadway Diner to eat at 5 pm, then go together afterwards to see the film.

Fayette Presbyterian is located at 791 Forrest Ave. (Ga. Highway 92 North) in Fayetteville.