Fayette Commission approves Seay Road rezoning

Fayette County Commission Meeting Room

A request to rezone 14.39 acres for to make room for the addition of three homes on a current one-residence tract on Seay Road was unanimously approved on Feb. 23 by the Fayette County Commission.

Commissioners heard the proposal to rezone 14.39 acres on Seay from AR (agricultural residential) to R-80 (3-acre homesite) for a single-family home subdivision. The location is the site of one home, and the proposal sought to add three additional homes.

Much of the property to the south is zoned AR, while large portions of properties to the east, north, west and southwest are zoned for 1-2-acre lots.

The three homes planning to be built would be for the property owner’s children. The density will be 3.6 homes per acre, commissioners were told.

There was no public comment on the proposal and no discussion by commissioners.

Both county staff and the Fayette County Planning Commission recommended approval.