Movies and creative industries add $62 billion to Georgia’s economy

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Movies and creative industries add $62 billion to Georgia’s economy

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Pinewood Atlanta Studios is among the growing number of creative industries that generated a statewide economic impact of more than $62 billion in 2015.

The Georgia Department of Economic Development’s Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA) announced Feb. 22 that the state’s creative industries generated $62.5 billion in total economic impact in 2015.

The creative industries in Georgia represent a combined $37 billion in revenue and employ an estimated 200,000 Georgians statewide, making up 5 percent of employment in the state, according to Ga. Department of Economic Development representative Emily Murray.

“Georgia’s nonprofit and for profit creative sectors create a healthy ecosystem in Georgia that enables each other to grow and thrive,” said Karen Paty, executive director of Georgia Council for the Arts, a division of the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDED). “Our vibrant creative culture is a powerful tool that draws people in, attracts industry, fuels redevelopment, research, design and innovation.”

Locally in Fayette County, Pinewood Atlanta Studios continues to turn out Marvel Studios blockbuster movies. At 1 million sq. ft. of soundstages, offices, workshops and vendor space, the studio is now the largest in the U.S. outside of Hollywood.

The Georgia Council for the Arts, in support of the new economic impact numbers, released a Georgia’s Creative Economy brochure which outlines information on the impact, institutions, organizations and individuals that fuel the creative industries in Georgia. With a booming film and television industry, a long-standing tradition of writing and recording music, emerging gaming and digital media firms, and some of the most revered cultural institutions in the southeastern U.S., Georgia is a nexus for creativity and industry, Murray said.

“Our thriving creative economy not only makes Georgia an ideal place to live, but also a great place to do business,” said Pat Wilson, Georgia Department of Economic Development Commissioner.

“Our arts, culture, film, television, music and digital entertainment sectors have a significant impact on Georgia’s economy and offer our creative workforce an abundance of opportunities.”

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