What is happening to our schools in Tyrone?


I am a concerned parent with two teens still in Fayette County schools. I come from three generations of public and private school educators who were mostly teachers, several principals and with even one superintendent thrown in the mix.

I am appalled by what I see happening at the Fayette County schools in Tyrone. The last two school years … I have watched my children’s schools disintegrate before my eyes. Sandy Creek has been negatively mentioned in the news media multiple times over the last several weeks. Teacher and staff turnover is the highest I have seen in the 11 years I have had students in these schools. Not only are the experienced teachers leaving, but new hires as well.

Things like this never happened [in the past]. In fact, up until [recently], there was almost no turnover of faculty and staff at Flat Rock. So what is the problem?

It seems to me that the appointed superintendent of schools is more concerned with playing politics than he cares about the education of our children. He is making decisions which will bankrupt our school district and undermine the quality of education our children will receive in this county for years to come.

He and those he favors over the education of our children need to be removed and quickly to stop the increasing damage. I also contend that those on the school board who allowed this travesty to happen need to be held accountable.

Harry S. Truman popularized the statement “the buck stops here” meaning the one at the top needed to accept responsibility for the decisions made and not pass off the blame to someone else. That buck needs to stop being passed by this counties’ administration. It is time this school board taking action to stop playing politics and start making decisions on what is in the best educational interests of our children instead.

Donita Lockridge

Tyrone, Ga.