Girls’ fitness club plans first 5K run


Impress Family Ministries and G.I.T. Fit~girls in training will hold its first 5K at New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville on May 13 at 8:30 a.m.  Packet pick up will be at 7:15 am on May 13.

G.I.T. Fit is a girls’ after school fitness club that meets at five Fayette County schools and one Coweta County school to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual fitness in girls.

Once a week, girls meet to run and have a Bible devotional talk time focusing on issues girls often struggle with in their preteen and teenage years.

Proceeds from the 5K will help keep the program free to all girls and to start new clubs at other schools in the community.

Registration forms can be found at, as well as a link to register online through

Call Cindy at 404-680-9752 for more details.