Coweta Charter Academy at Senoia (CCAS) presented “Quilt of Valor” quilts to two members of Buffalo Soldiers during the school award ceremonies at the end of the school year.
The quilts were awarded to Richard Smith, Army veteran who served in Vietnam and Chaplain of the Newnan Buffalo Soldiers, and Milton Allen, U.S. Marine Corps, Past Commander, and State Chaplain of the Newnan Buffalo Soldiers.
The quilts were made in honor of the Buffalo Soldiers as the fifth grade students of Coweta Charter Academy were learning about the Underground Railroad and how slaves used “quilt” as a code for protection and where to stay. The quilt blocks in the two quilts were designed and made by Mrs. Cummings’ fifth grade class, according to CCAS.
“It was important for our students to be involved in this ceremony especially as we headed into the Memorial Day holiday,” said CCAS Principal Geen Dunn. “Coweta Charter is pleased to have members of their staff partner with Quilt of Valor so that we can honor our veterans in this way.”
Quilt of Valor is a national foundation of people who make quilts to cover service members and veterans who have been touched by war. These quilts are to provide comfort, honor, and gratitude for their many sacrifices and service, the school said.
School officials said the quilt made for Smith was pieced together by Patricia Hall, a paraprofessional at Coweta Charter Academy and member of Quilt of Valor, and quilted by Gail Lane, also member of Quilt of Valor. The bounding of Smith’s quilt was by members of Quilt of Valor, Joy Green and her granddaughter, Sophia Daniels, a third grade student. The quilt made for Allen was pieced and bound together by Patricia Hall and quilted by Penny Willingham, CCAS said.
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