Vacation Bible School listing


Woolsey Baptist – June 19-23
Woolsey Baptist Church will have Vacation Bible School June 19-23, from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., for kids ages four years through sixth grade completed.  The theme this year is Galactic Starveyors. Activities will include Bible study, crafts, music, missions and recreation. Register online at

Hopewell UMC  – June 26-29
Hopewell United Methodist Church in Tyrone will hold Vacation Bible School the week of June 26-29, from 9 a.m. to noon. All children from kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to participate. The program, “Growing with God” – Growing with the fruits of the spirit, will feature music, crafts, and games. To register, go to [email protected] or call the church office, 770-306-7537.  The church is located at 351 Jenkins Road, directly across from Sandy Creek High.

Brooks Christian – June 26-30
Brooks Christian Church will host Vacation Bible School this year from June 26-30 every night from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  This year’s theme will be Hero Central. Pre-register June 26  from 5-6:30 p.m. or register online at

COS Lutheran –  June 26-30
Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will have Vacation Bible School June 26-30, from 9 a.m.-noon, for children entering Pre-K (age 4) through rising sixth-graders. The curriculum, “Stand in God’s Kingdom,” is original, written to highlight the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. A $10 donation is welcome but not required. Registration is open for both participants and volunteers. For registration info, visit or  Registration remains open until June 21 or until capacity is reached.