Let’s put aside our willful ignorance


I heard a new term the other day: Willful ignorance. We can apply it to politics today. Why do we have to talk with disdain about anyone who disagrees with us?

I submit that many people suffer from willful ignorance. Anytime someone uses the term liberal or conservative, people automatically dismiss anything that doesn’t agree with their liberal or conservative base.

What happened to everyone working together to make America great again? What happened to getting together and working out solutions to our country’s problems? There are good ideas from both liberals and conservatives that can be compromised into solutions.

Perhaps by looking at each other’s ideas with an open mind, we can get a government that works. If we end the ”willful ignorance” of labeling anyone who disagrees with us as someone not worthy of consideration, we can make America great again. Why not insist that anyone we send to Congress represent all of us, not just their liberal or conservative base?

Philip Hackl
Fayetteville, Ga.