College recognizes first responders


Georgia Military College in Fayetteville on June 15 held its inaugural First Responder Day Recognition and Appreciation event. GMC Executive Director Scott F. “Rock” Donahue said the occasion will become an annual event. The event served a dual-purpose that combined the recognition day with a mock drill scenario for training purposes.

“Since our opening on Aug. 3, 2015, and especially over the past several months, we’ve received tremendous support from the offices of the county sheriff and the city of Fayetteville police and fire departments in response to campus incidents as well as with emergency preparedness/response drills and training for our staff, faculty and students,” said Donahue.

The June 15 first responder recognition was preceded by the mock exercise with a scenario involving a former student. The goal of the accompanying school lockdown was to ensure that proper lockdown procedures were adhered to, GMC said.

The scenario played out as follows: It was one where a distraught former student who blames the professor for his failing grades arrives at the school campus. While in the hallway, a group of students see a handgun tucked in his pants. They notify school security and the school is put on lockdown. Shots are heard in a hallway as the security guard is activating the lockdown procedure.

Donahue said the school had been preparing for the simulated exercise for several months. That preparation included public safety representatives from Fayetteville and the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office.

“Conducting the scenario today was significant because it comes down to emergency preparedness, the safety, security and protection, of our students, staff and faculty,” said Donahue, adding that the school conducts quarterly drills on all potential scenarios dealing with emergency preparedness.

The drill was followed by an after-action review and an ice cream social for the public safety staff who participated in the scenario “to recognize and express our appreciation for our county and city first responders and all they do to secure, safeguard and protect our community,” said Donahue.

With public safety staff assembled, Donahue thanked them for their participation in what was the school’s first annual First Responders Day activities. He reiterated that the idea was to remain vigilant and proactive in the safety, security and protection of students, faculty and staff.

Donahue also stressed the character-based education at GMC that currently provides 24 degree programs and, beginning later this year, the introduction of bachelor’s degrees in three areas.

The mission of Georgia Military College is to produce educated citizens and contributing members of society in an environment conducive to the development of the intellect and character of its students.

GMC was the first and only college campus built in Fayette County.