Ernst announces reelection bid


My name is Terry Ernst and I am announcing my candidacy for reelection to Post 4 of the Peachtree City Council. It has been my honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Peachtree City for the past four years. I am again asking for your support to be your voice for the next four years.

Over the past four years this City Council undertook and successfully resolved numerous issues, presented refreshing new ideas to the city, and looked forward to a progressive future for our community.

Such endeavors require a group of individuals that have one common goal, the betterment of our city. The city staff and City Council members work well together towards this goal.

The passing of the SPLOST, the beautification of Drake Field, the renovation of the Battery Way boat dock, the continued balanced budget while maintaining the current level of the city’s reserve fund are some of these accomplishments.

The city’s progress forward is found in the new businesses and new jobs brought in, and the refurbishment of a large building that has been empty for years into a new productive industry.

In a Citizen editorial, dated April 27, 2016, [The Citizen editor Cal] Beverly presented four questions of candidates that he said would probably never get asked, much less answered. I will do my best to answer.

• What is your world view, your lens through which you see most things?

My answer is that our country is in turmoil but I think we will grow in a positive direction from it. Our city is generally a safe, low crime, family-oriented, fun place to live. It has good people, good schools, great protection, and the best neighbors. But that does not mean that everything is always good. We must always be vigilant of what is going on around us.

• What kind of person are you … really?

I am a public servant, here to serve the citizens of this city. I love this city and I want what is best for it. I like people and I like dogs.

• What do you really want to do with the power you are seeking, your real agenda?

I do not have a hidden agenda. I am here to serve the people. To listen to the people. I will not always please everyone, but I will listen, then weigh the options. And I won’t always make the right decision. That is why it is so important for citizens to come forward with problems and proposals on how to solve those problems. I am retired from the United States Army. I love this country. I am retired from the Peachtree City Police Department. I love this city. I have lived here with my family for 28 years. My agenda is to make things better.

• Finally, after you are elected, will you return my call?

If I am reelected, yes, I will certainly return your call.

With those things said, I am asking all of you for your support and your vote in November. You have my pledge that I will represent the people of Peachtree City to the best of my ability for the next four years. Together we will meet the challenges of the future.

Terry L. Ernst
Post 4 City Council
Peachtree City, Ga.