Fayetteville tax break for apartments developer — why?


I attended Thursday’s night Council meeting just for item #6, the TAD application for Hearthside Lafayette Project.

I was disappointed that it was tabled to a special meeting next week (day and time uncertain) instead of to the next council meeting. It may limit the participation like the 10 a.m. meeting Thursday to have the first reading to approve the millage rate.

I live in the Villages of LaFayette. I was opposed to the change in the PCD to allow the senior apartments. I am opposed to the variances requested so the apartments can have parking in the front. The no-front-parking was a part of the approved PCD plan. At least the parking at the Meridian apartments is internal.

I am opposed to extending the TAD (Tax Allocation District) to include the senior apartments. The city gave the developers of the Villages at Lafayette PCD many concessions. There is no reason to give a developer of vacant property a TAD. The TAD was approved for renovation of existed buildings to stop downtown blight.

Plus the items requested are items necessary to develop the site and complete the project. Why should a developer receive a $2,618,061 windfall on a project that they are going to do anyway?

The council approved a property tax increase last year and plans to approve a property tax increase this year. The discussion Thursday night was what to do with the extra money.

We know the staff wants to give part of the city’s funds to OneStreet Development as a TAD. I am hoping that the council decides against the idea.

Tony V. Parrott
Fayetteville, Ga.