E-SPLOST 3 (education-special purpose local option sale tax) Citizens Advisory Committee Chairman Neil Sullivan on Sept. 18 updated the Fayette County Board of Education on the group’s efforts pertaining to the initiative on the November ballot.
Sullivan in his comments spoke about the importance of continuing the E-SPLOST.
Above, Neil Sullivan speaks about E-SPLOST. Photo/Ben Nelms.
“This isn’t different. It continues,” Sullivan said of the upcoming E-SPLOST vote serving as a continuation of the past two. “And in the past it helped get our financial house in order.”
Sullivan, citing the work of the Fayette Citizens for Children organization in supporting the initiative, suggested that a potential problem for E-SPLOST 3 could be a lower voter turnout that usual, given that the November vote comes on an off-year where only municipal elections are held.
Sullivan spoke on the accomplishments of the school system, parental expectations and state funding issues that impact local school systems.
The Fayette Citizens for Children organization has a website with information on E-SPLOST 3. For more information visit http://yesfayetteesplost.com.
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