Fayetteville hits ‘pause’ on Hwy. 54 East annexation

Aerial view of site to be annexed. Graphic from Fayette County.

County raises traffic objections; meeting planned to resolve issues

An Oct. 12 item before the Fayette County Commission pertaining to a residential annexation request on Ga. Highway 54 east of Fayetteville was withdrawn at the city’s request until a meeting of all the parties can be held to address pending issues.

Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Director Jahnee Prince at the meeting said the city was willing to accept the developer’s withdrawal letter. Doing so would provide the opportunity for the city, county and developer to meet. The item was withdrawn after a brief discussion.

Prince said the developer wants to work with the county on the issues rather than going through arbitration if the county objects to the annexation.

The current county zoning calls for one-acre lots. County staff said the development would use county water, adding that there are sufficient lines to provide water to the new development. The development would connect to Fayetteville’s sewer system.

Staff recommended objecting to the annexation due to the development’s impact on county roads. The objection would allow for an agreement with the city to be reached concerning the traffic impact on issues such as intersection improvements.

The initial word on the annexation request at the Sept. 26 meeting of the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission came with a proposal to annex 175 acres on the city’s east side for use as a 370-home subdivision.

The request will ask that the property south of Banks Road and adjacent to Ga. Highway 54 East be zoned R-15 PUD (planned unit development.

Commissioners were told that home sizes would potentially range from 2,400-4,500 sq. ft., depending on market demand, and with lot sizes ranging from 60 feet by 140 feet to 100 feet by 140 feet.

The property would include 62 acres of open space.